Since beginning lectures in the new full-time Bible school things have been very busy, but it has been exciting to see the Lord at work. I just wanted to give a brief update to let you know about everything that has been happening.
Bible School – I am working with Pastor Stephen Boreland in this ministry and between us we are offering 16 hours of lectures each week. This semester Stephen is lecturing on Romans, Jewish Studies and a variety of topics in the Theology 2 course. I am lecturing on Pastoral Studies, including the pastoral epistles, homiletics and Old Testament Survey.
This semester is something of an experiment to get our system in place, once we are confident of everything we hope to offer the course to others.
As well as the 8 hours I am lecturing with Bethesda Bible School through the week I am also helping on Monday evenings later in the year. As well I am lecturing a couple of Thursday evenings in Emmanuel Baptist Bible School in Northern Ireland in November.
Missions – The two missions I am leading and working to build up are going well. At the Ford Estate Mission we have seen some encouraging moves among some teens. Last week Alan Campbell and I spent over 30 minutes sharing the Gospel with 11 teenage boys. They listened well and I would ask you to pray for them.
At Hallgarth Mission we have seen a number of visitors lately and are encouraged by those visiting with us at our new coffee morning.
Pray for both missions as we have Gospel meetings coming up at the end of this month. More details are available at a site I designed for this purpose:
Bethesda Free Church – The ministry at Bethesda is going well also. My main role there has been to support Pastor Boreland in the preaching ministry when needed and helping in the youth work. Recently I have accepted the role of Sunday Superintendent on a temporary basis. Hopefully we can see the Sunday School ministry increase and then it will be turned over to someone else.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
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