In 18 days we move out of our home and in 24 days we fly to Atlanta, Georgia in the USA to begin a time of deputation.
God blessed us with a great weekend! It was a hard one as it was my last time preaching in the church and missions here. Hopefully I’ll be invited back to speak sometime in the future, but it was my last time here as a pastor and mission leader.
Next Sunday Alan Campbell will be preaching and I will be here to listen to him preach. It is not purely an academic exercise, but does constitute a final part of his homiletics class.So, do pray for him.
The next Sunday will be our last Sunday here, but because of the way things have worked out I will not be preaching that Sunday either.
So in some ways my preaching ministry here has come to an end. There are still services during the week where I will be speaking and leading Bible Studies, but on the weekends I am finished.
Preparation for the move continues. Carrie is working hard to pack up the house. I am trying to get my office packed up at home and at the mission. It is hard trying to decide what to say goodbye to for a few months and what to try and keep accessible and take with me. I like my books. They are my tools and I will miss not having them around. At the end of the day, though, I need only one Book, THE Book, God’s Word.
Thanks for continued prayer.
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