Around this time of year we celebrate the founding of Brimpton Baptist Church. The building was completed in 1843 but we believe the church had been meeting previous to that. It started as many churches do, with a single individual or maybe a few individuals, who had a burden to see a church holding to baptist doctrine in their village or community. Under their first pastor the church thrived and following him they had several other good leaders. It’s always been a small, country church, but it has stood faithfully now for 168 years.
One of the later pastors was encouraged to take on the ministry under the counsel of a grandson of William Carey. This is something mentioned in the church minutes. I believe the church has always had an evangelistic spirit locally and globally.
Today we set some time aside to focus on one of the main reasons for the existance of the church – fellowship. We had a BBQ and every one seemed to have a good time. A number of people at work had said that the weather forecast was wind and rain and joked with me about cooking in the rain. I told them God was in charge of the weather and if He wanted blue skies He would give us blue skies. You know what? As soon as everyone arrived the rain which had been falling heavily most of the morning stopped, the clouds broke up and we had blue skies! I’m looking forward to seeing some of those friends next week.
A few times in the history of the church it has faced a great time of transition. At the beginning of the 20th century it faced such a time. For many years students from Spurgeon’s college in London came down and preached as the church was without a pastor. Then the Lord led Mr and Mrs. Strutt to assist the work. Mr. Strutt was a “lay preacher” and greatly used of the Lord to keep the doors of the church open. David Lodge is another of the men that the Lord used. He was a quiet man, but quietly consistent and encouraging. I have great memories of both men.
Around 25 years ago the church once again went through immense changes as Pastor Dotson become the first pastor of the church in several decades. Under Pastor Tom’s ministry the church was re-energised, many came to the Lord, a Christian school was started and many were helped in their walk with the Lord.
Now the church is facing great changes once again but I will share more about that another time. Today was a great blessing and I really appreciated everyone getting involved and helping with the food.
I am relieved that the food did not burn to a cinder and am thankful that so far no-one has reported food poisoning! (I was the cook!)
God has been good to us. I pray that if the Lord tarries His coming the current generation of believers at the church will, by God’s grace, provide a place where God’s work can continue for another 168 years.
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