Last Saturday I left my family in Everett and headed to Jackson Baptist Church in north eastern Pennsylvania. The 186 mile drive was through awesome mountains and was generally uneventful.
I first met Pastor Haskell in Ireland back in 2007. Since then we have tried to line up a meeting several times, but until this trip it had never worked out.
I enjoyed the weekend and spent several hours discussing discipleship with Pastor Haskell and men in the church. I was blessed by their hospitality and generosity.
After lunch on Sunday morning I drove 126 miles down to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I had hoped to drop in to a church that evening, but they cancelled services due to weather. I was going to meet with a friend Monday morning but that had to be cancelled too. The drive down had been difficult due to dense fog, so it worked out well to have a chance to rest.
Monday morning I drove the 110 miles back to Everett to rejoin my family.
On Wednesday I taught the Bible study at a supporting church, Pennwood Bible Church. We are looking forward to joining them for their services tomorrow. I will be teaching in the Sunday School hour and then preaching in the morning service.
It has been a good week with the family, enjoying some unique experiences, unique to us anyway. I was able to take the children up the mountain on the four wheeler/quad-bike. Today we went sledding following heavy snow last night. Carrie and I re-visited some sites we first visited prior to getting engaged over eleven years ago. We met friends in Hershey, PA and visited the chocolate factory.
I have spent time helping chop wood, made some repairs on the vehicle we are using, made phone calls and sent emails to arrange future meetings, studied, corresponded with friends in the church back home and numerous other minor tasks.
Please pray for us as we leave after tomorrow morning’s service to head back down south. We expect the drive to take at least 8 hours. Monday I will drive up to Charlotte to collect a few pastors who are flying into the country. Then on Tuesday I will drive with them down to Valdosta, Georgia which will take about 7 hours.
So, over the next 3 days I expect to drive for around 18 hours if all goes according to plan. I would appreciate your prayers.