On Friday, at our new youth club, I continued to teach the children on the theme of footsteps of faith. So far we have learned about Proverbs 4:26, Psalm 37:23 and this week we moved on to Psalm 37:24.
A quote by Spurgeon really helped me, and though it was a little long for a children’s talk and I did not use it with the children, I thought I would share it here:
“Though he fall.” Disasters and reverses may lay him low; he may, like Job, be stripped of everything; like Joseph, be put in prison; like Jonah, be cast into the deep. “He shall not be utterly cast down.” He shall not be altogether prostrate. He shall be brought on his knees, but not on his face; or, if laid prone for a moment he shall be up again ere long.
“No saint shall fall finally or fatally. Sorrow may bring us to the earth, and death may bring us to the grave, but lower we cannot sink, and out of the lowest of all we shall arise to the highest of all.
“For the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.” Condescendingly, with his own hand, God upholds his saints; he does not leave them to mere delegated agency, he affords personal assistance. Even in our falls the Lord gives a measure of sustaining.
“Where grace does not keep from going down, it shall save from keeping down. Job had double wealth at last, Joseph reigned over Egypt, Jonah was safely landed. It is not that the saints are strong, or wise, or meritorious, that therefore they rise after every fall, but because God is their helper, and therefore none can prevail against them.” – C.H. Spurgeon