On Sunday evening we began a series, “God Is – The Revelation of the Nature and Character of God”.
Our first message simply considered the truth that God is, He just is.
In Exodus 3 God reveals to Moses His name, I AM. We learned three truths about God from the passage.
1. Our Separated God
God is entirely separate from sin, He is holy. When we draw close to God we too become holy. Separation leaves sinful ways behind. Moses left Egypt in a day, but it took 40 years to get Egypt out of Moses. We must guard our hearts, as sinful habits are established much more quickly than they are lost. God demanded a change in behavior from Moses as he approached the burning bush for the ground where he stood was holy. The ground was not intrinsically holy, but ordinary dirt was made holy by the presence of God. We are dust, ordinary dirt, but the presence of God in us makes us extra-ordinary for His glory. Essentially, holiness is “thinking as God thinks, and willing as God wills.” – John Brown
2. Our Saving God
God saw the affliction of His people (7) and choose to save them. Whenever God interacts with sinners He comes down to us (8), but it is not to leave us as He found us, but to raise us up to freedom and righteousness in Him. Just as God willed to save His people Israel, He wills to save us. In 2 Peter 3:9 it is made clear that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should repent and be saved. God saved Israel through the human instrument of Moses. God saves sinners by His only-begotten Son, our sinless Saviour, Jesus Christ.
3. Our Self-Sufficient God
When God revealed Himself as the great I AM He opened a window into His character. God is unchanging, unchangeable, free, truly free, as nothing and no one can force Him to change. Therefore, God is always trustworthy, faithful, and true.
If you do not have a church home, then I hope you can join us at Bedford Bible Church as we continue to explore the nature and character of God.
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