“It was never so seen in Israel”
Matthew 9:33
Jesus commanded control of nature, touched the lepers, embraced the unclean, called the outcasts to know and serve Him, and offered forgiveness to sinners.
As the crowds watched they gave their assessment, “It was never so seen in Israel.”
Leading up to this moment Jesus had emphasized His love and longing for the outcast. He had targeted those whom the hypocrites had rejected. Jesus had not only accomplished the impossible, but had done so upon those undesirable in the world’s eyes.
John records that when the Pharisees sent their officers to arrest Jesus, they returned emptied handed. The religious leaders of the nation questioned the officers and their bemused reply was,
“Never man spake like this man.”
John 7:46
While the rabbis and leaders gave weak and wandering talks, Jesus declared with unparalleled confidence, “thus saith the Lord”.
As the amazed crowds watched Jesus leave them, He only did so in order to repeat the miraculous elsewhere. And as Jesus looked upon the crowds He shared a truth which also serves as a call to action for His followers,
“(37) Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the
Matthew 9:37-38labourers are few; (38) Pray yetherefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forthlabourers into his harvest.”
The first time any person approaches Jesus with humility and faith they will find in Him the likes of whom they have never seen.
As we learn of the life and person of Jesus, we will have to agree with the officers of the Pharisees that never man spake like this man.
All the world around us may falter and fail, but Jesus remains the Master of the miraculous, working the incredible in and through His people.