On Friday, June 7th, we participated in a noble event, National Donut Day.
We didn’t realize the day existed until the last minute, so we could only find some lesser quality donuts. The next morning, at the men’s prayer breakfast, they supplied some top quality cinnamon rolls, which continued the donut theme. On Sunday, a friend had more donuts than he could use and so he brought us a big box. Donut Day turned into donut weekend and too many donuts were consumed. I’m not good at math, but I do know the result of the formula, donuts x 3 days = …
It reminded me of the course and consequences of sin. Let me make myself clear, I do not believe donuts are sinful. But in this illustration, they are. Just for this illustration.
(7) Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (8) For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Galatians 6:7-8
God designed this world to function in a certain way, in physical and spiritual terms.
If you jump off a chair, gravity, if uninterrupted, will direct you to the ground and possibly injury. If you sin, then sin, if uninterrupted, will lead to more sin and definitely will bring problems.
National Donut DAY? No. National Donut WEEKEND! One day, led to three.
My pastor used to often say that sin
- Would take you further than you were willing to go
- Would keep you longer than you intended to stay
- Cost you more than you were willing to pay.
At the moment I am training for a race. Probably the only real way for me to avoid three days of donuts was to not even to have had one day of donuts.
The only real way to avoid the course and consequence of sin, is to not let sin begin, to resist temptation, to flee to God, and to instead behave righteously.
Yet when we do still sin, but God is gracious. He has promised forgiveness and mercy to all who call on Him. Sins can be forgiven. And even when consequences remain, His grace and compassion are sufficient to carry us through.
P.S. There’s actually two Donut Days in America. The second one is on November 5th. 😉