Genesis 12-14; Psalm 5

Genesis 12 open up to us the life of Abram, who later God would rename Abraham.

We don’t have a list of others in Abram’s generation who disobeyed, but we do have a record of Abram’s faith.

We see that each time he called on the Lord or obeyed a command from the Lord, blessings followed (12:4, 8; 13:5; 14:22). In these 3 chapters only once do we have Abram acting without command or consent from God, and it results in lies and trouble.

Lot saw everything we can see of Abram, and more. Yet when the time came and Abram sought for peace, Lot looked for prosperity (13:10). He choose a location that was great for making money, but poor for living righteously and raising a family.

Abram and Lot appear much like Cain and Abel. In both sets of men we have one who chose simple obedience, and one who chased after personal desires.

For Abel and Abram, things ended well. For Cain and Lot, there was only suffering and death.

The simple choice to obey may not make life easy, but it is always the best choice to make.

Psalm 5

Verse 7 ties in well with the story of Abram, and Abel.

“But as for me….”

Psalm 5:7

Though all around him sinned and rebelled against God, the psalmist determined he would serve the Lord.

Just as Abram and Abel were out of step with those around them, so too the psalmist determined to follow the Lord and not others.

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