One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.
Psalm 27:4
It is not always a defect to mind one thing at a time. And an aptness so to do, to employ the whole vigour of the mind on the thing in hand, may answer excellent purposes. Only you have need to be exceeding wary, lest the thing you pursue be wrong. First, be well assured not only that it is good but that it is the best thing for you at that time; and then, whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it with your might.
John Wesley
David, the Psalmist, had a singular focus on the Lord. John Wesley, who accomplished much in life for the Lord, expresses that same truth. Paul the Apostle, in Philippians, also spoke of that focus on knowing the Lord.
What powerful reminders and examples for ourselves!
It stood out to me that John Wesley encouraged his reader to have a singular focus not only on the good, but the “best thing for you at that time.”
As we all pursue a closer walk with the Lord what is best for us at any given time may not be exactly what is best for others or even for ourselves at a different time.
In an age when we can instantly share our thoughts and actions and see the thoughts and actions of others, we run the risk of trying to make God’s best for others the same for ourselves. Or, we try to impose upon others what God intends for us.
May God help us to know God’s best for ourselves, and give that our dedication.