Devotion 3: “Secure in His Walk with God”
Scripture: Genesis 39:13-23
Key Verse: “But the LORD was with Joseph, and showed him mercy…” – Genesis 39:21
After Joseph resists temptation, he is falsely accused and thrown into prison. Yet, even in this moment of apparent defeat, the Bible reassures us: “The LORD was with Joseph.” His security did not come from his circumstances, but from the presence of God in his life. Joseph’s story reveals that doing the right thing isn’t always met with immediate reward, but God’s faithfulness never fails.
Joseph’s security in his walk with God allowed him to endure the hardship of prison without losing his integrity. He was confident that God had a purpose for his life, even if he couldn’t see it in the moment. Joseph’s trust in God’s timing and plan carried him through.
Joseph knew that being secure in his walk with God meant trusting God in the midst of unjust circumstances and knowing that God’s presence is what truly sustains him.
Are you secure in your walk with God, even when doing the right thing doesn’t seem to lead to immediate success or reward? Like Joseph, we can rest in the assurance that God is with us through every trial. Our security comes not from our circumstances, but from the unshakable truth that God is faithful and His plans for us are good.