God Shall Give an Answer of Peace 2/3

Genesis 41:15-32

The Anticipation of Peace (Genesis 41:15-24)

Even though Pharoah had everything anyone could desire, humanly speaking, none of that mattered without peace. He looked for it from his own gods and found no relief. He sought peace from his best counsellors, but none of them could help him. Given time, he may have tried to drown his sorrows, distract himself with the pleasures of the world, or busied himself with industry. But, nothing could bring peace. As the day passed, his anticipation for peace only deepened. However, time was short. Joseph would later reveal that the dream had been doubled because God’s plan would absolutely come to pass. The clock was ticking and so Pharoah’s peace would not be withheld for long.

The Announcement of Peace (Genesis 41:25-32)

Joseph boldly declared that only God could provide an answer. This was a remarkable moment. Pharaoh was considered a god himself, and contradicting him could have cost Joseph his life. Yet, Joseph remained fearless because his confidence was in the Lord.

Joseph, as with many that followed him, had the privilege of announcing the possibility of peace. Isaiah would proclaim “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people”. The angels would sing “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” The disciples, apostles, and Christians through the ages have been able to point to Jesus as the Prince of Peace. As Christians today, we follow in a long line of privileged heralds who can share the good news of peace with God and the peace of God to those who will believe.

The answer to the dreams was made clear: seven years of plenty would be followed by seven years of famine. But more importantly, Pharaoh had a choice—would he trust God’s message?

The Answer of Peace

Four times in his short speech Joseph pointed Pharaoh to God, Elohim, a God, the One True God, that Pharaoh had probably never heard of. In Genesis 41: 16, 25, 28, and 32 Joseph points Pharaoh God.

As Christians, that is what we must do. We cannot point to tradition, experience, or plain knowledge. We must point people to the Person, Jesus Christ. It is in Him alone that people can know true peace.

Application: Pointing Others to the Peacemaker

Joseph, once a forgotten prisoner, now stood before the king of Egypt with a divine message. He pointed to God as the sole provider of peace, setting an example for us. When people seek guidance, do they see you as a person of peace? Are you pointing them to God, the true Peacemaker?

Joseph had peace because he knew God was in control. Likewise, our confidence must rest in God’s promises, not our circumstances.

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