God Does Not Want Us to be controlled by Fear (II Timothy 1:7; I John 4:18)
The Fear of the Lord is not a terror that causes us to run and tremble but is a reverential respect, a holy, humble reverential affection.
What we fear has a power over us and can control us.
An antidote and cure for fear is the fear of the Lord.
A brief overview of the fear of the Lord across God’s Word reveals much, here are a few highlights:
- (Proverbs 1:7) The Fear of the Lord is the Foundation of Wisdom
- (Proverbs 14:27) The Fear of the Lord is the Fountain of Life
- (Job 28:28) The Fear of the Lord is the Focus of Wisdom
- (Psalm 19:9) The Fear of the Lord is a Force for Purity
- (II Corinthians 7:1) The Fear of the Lord gives Focus Towards Holiness
- (Ephesians 5:21) The Fear of the Lord is the Framework for Submission
- (Hebrews 12:28) The Fear of the Lord is Fuel for Worship