Book Release: Heart and Scroll – Reflecting Christ on Social Media

Heart and Scroll



In a world where social media shapes identities, influences emotions, and fuels controversy, Heart and Scroll calls Christians to anchor their identity in Christ. Heart and Scroll explores how biblical wisdom applies to our online lives, offering practical guidance on navigating social media with purpose, integrity, and Christlikeness.

With insightful lessons on identity, character, communication, and conflict resolution, Heart and Scroll equips readers—especially young believers—to engage the digital world without losing themselves in it. Whether you’re a casual user or a content creator, Heart and Scroll will challenge you to reflect on who you are online and who you are before God.

Before your next post, pause and ask: Does my online presence honor God and reflect my faith?

Heart and Scroll includes a six-part study guide and a list of suggested memory verses.

Why did I Write this Book? Primarily, I want to encourage Christians to be like Christ online as much as they are offline.

As well, I wrote the book because I have had to learn all the lessons that I’m now attempting to convey to others. I’ve made most of the mistakes possible on social media and if I can help others avoid some of them, then I’ll have achieved part of my goal.

The Process: What began as a short series of admonitions from Proverbs on social media grew to something much more. It’s still a short book, but it’s more than I set out to write. Early on, I realized that most social media pitfalls come about as a result of a problem with our identity not being fixed in Christ. So, I added that part. Then, it became apparent the 30+ admonitions would be more powerful combined into chapters carrying those themes. So, I rearranged almost all of the second part of book and then worked on making the transitions logical and easy to follow.

In short, it was not the book I set out to write, but I hope it has become more.

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