“The whole volume of Scripture did prophesy of him. He was the sum and scope of all their predictions. He was Abraham’s promised seed, Abraham’s Isaac, Jacob’s Shiloh, Moses’ Great Prophet, Esaias’ Immanuel, Ezekiel’s Shepherd, Daniel’s Holy One, Zechariah’s Branch, Malachi’s Angel; all of them predictions to foretell his coming. All their types and ceremonies pointed at him. He was Abel’s Sacrifice, Noah’s Dove, Abraham’s First Fruits, Aaron’s Rod, the Israelites’ Rock, the Patriarchs’ Manna, David’s Tabernacle, Solomon’s Temple; all these prefigured his incarnation. They were the folds and swathing of the babe Jesus.”–Bishop Brownrig.
Forbearance – Forgiving When Not Asked to Forgive?
At church a few weeks ago I had a discussion with some of the men regarding whether it was possible to forgive without being asked to forgive. There are many considerations such as the offense caused, the sin that has transpired and the consequences of sins committed and the laws of the land and integrity … Read more