Speaking the Truth in Love
“How Wars Begin and End” – A.J.P. Taylor I don’t think this is a book I would recommend for the simple reason that I don’t trust the author. In numerous places as I read the book something seemed off. I couldn’t argue the facts, but sometimes a conclusion was stated that felt wrong. However, when…
The story of Ernest Shackleton is perfectly summed up by the title of this book taken from the ship on which he sailed, endurance. Ernest Shackleton’s leadership, skill, and determination not only saved himself but the 28 men who sailed with him from almost certain death. What he and his men went through to survive…
https://amzn.to/42nBEHh The 400 silent years cover the close of the Old Testament revelation from God and the beginning of the New Testament. They are called silent because during that time there was no word from God. He was silent. I can’t claim to remember a lot of the details in this book. Ironside traces the…
https://amzn.to/4gXaOKI I loved this book. It’s a collection drawn from essays, books, and letters by C.S. Lewis on the theme of reading and being a reader. Parts of it were challenging as it made me consider my own reading habits and consistency. It’s a very amusing book in parts. The intelligence and wisdom of Lewis…
https://amzn.to/4jeiM3H This short book gives a great introduction to what constitutes a classic, why we should read the classics, how to read them as a Christian, and more. Many people avoid certain types of literature thinking they are just for certain people. Ryken makes it clear that everyone should have some exposure to the classics.…
“The Ten Commandments of Dating” Outside of marriage, one of the most important and impactful areas of a person’s life is who they marry. Who they marry is ultimately decided by who they date. So, good principles about dating are vital. I would highly recommend this book to parents, pastors, youth leaders, young adults (I’m…
Growing up I had the privilege of going to a small Christian school that used the ACE curriculum. Every PACE highlighted a character trait. My pastor also highlighted the importance, from a Biblical perspective, of good character. With that background, I was excited to read Pat William’s book, Character Carved in Stone. The book expounds…
Over 140 years ago Pastor Charles Spurgeon, a renowned preacher and theologian, commented often on depression. He did so in surprisingly open ways, for his time, and with insight that still helps many today. Consider a few of his well-known statements: “Furthermore, remember that even after you are secure in Christ, and accepted before God,…
Every now and then I’ll find in my personal library a book which I cannot remember buying, receiving, or borrowing. So, if the book I’m about to mention is borrowed and actually belongs to you, let me know. 😉 The book is titled, “Only a Prayer Meeting – Studies on Prayer Meetings and Prayer Meeting…
Part 1 – Introduction Part 2 – Piper’s Aim In the 2nd chapter of Piper’s booklet, he sets out to give examples of God’s two wills. His goal is to prove that God has one will that desires all to be saved, but a second will that acts to only save some. We must keep…