Speaking the Truth in Love
“Trust is faith become absolute, ratified and consummated.” “…trust is firm belief, it is faith in full flower.” “Trust is the most felt of all attributes… an unfelt love is as impossible as an unfelt trust.” “Yet, quite oftem, faith is too weak to obtain God’s greatest good, immediately; so it has to wait in…
This volume contains E.M. Bound’s 8 books on prayer: The Necessity of Prayer The Essentials of Prayer The Possibilities of Prayer The Reality of Prayer Purpose in Prayer The Weapon of Prayer Power Through Prayer Prayer and Praying Men Just the first few chapters of the first book have deeply challenged me and…
“Just so far as the faith and the asking is definite, so also will the answer be” Faith is an operation of God, a divine illumination, a holy energy implanted by the Word of God and the Spirit in the human soul-a spiritual divine principle which takes of the supernatural and makes it apprehendable by…
“What an era of glorious achievements would dawn for the church and the world, if only there could be reproduced a race of saints of like mighty faith, of like wonderful praying! It is not ht eintellectually great that the church needs; nor is it men of wealth that the times demand. It is not…
Time lines are great! I love being able visualize information and I enjoy timelines because they tie in people, events and dates. Recently I bought Adam’s Chart of History and I have been impressed with it (it just arrived today). It is a 25ft long wall chart and covers all the major events from Adam…
“It isn’t my fault!” Admit it, you have said those words, as have I. We all say them at some point or another. Sometimes they are used accurately, but too often they are used as an excuse, as an exercise in shifting the blame. I have thought about this several times recently because…
Politics. When do politics and faith meet. How much open debate by Christians on politics is profitable? When does something appear to be political, but is really a matter of faith? When does a concern that touches our faith seem to be purely political? All good questions that lead to the reason for this post. …
Mohammed Ali was once told by an airline hostess to put his seatbelt on. Ali responded by saying that “Superman don’t need no seatbelt.” The hostess replied, “Superman doesn’t need a plane.” Pride can be destructive. Pray that God would show us any pride in our own lives and give us the grace to…
If we have lost our time heretofore, we must endeavour to redeem it by doubling our diligence in doing our duty for the future. – Matthew Henry
Our time is a talent given us by God for some good end, & it is misspent & lost when it is not employed according to his design. -Matthew Henry