Speaking the Truth in Love
Spend your time in nothing which you know must be repented of; in nothing on which you might not pray for the blessing of God; in nothing which you could not review with a quiet conscience on your dying bed; in nothing which you might not safely and properly be found doing if death should…
This past weekend we were privileged to have two groups visiting with us. I want to share a little about each of them with you. GPA Team – The first team had been planned for a while. Zach Johnson is the Youth Missions Director with the Gospel Preacher’s Association. We met briefly a couple of…
Today we held a baptism service for Josh Hey, a young man who recently started coming to the church. Here are some photos of the morning. I thank God for a good day at church! {phocagallery view=category|categoryid=31}
Around this time of year we celebrate the founding of Brimpton Baptist Church. The building was completed in 1843 but we believe the church had been meeting previous to that. It started as many churches do, with a single individual or maybe a few individuals, who had a burden to see a church holding to…
As Dr. Wray says, “You can pray for any need — for lengthened life, as Hezekiah did; for help, as Daniel did; for light, as Bartimaeus did; for mercy, as David did; for rain, as Elijah did; for a son, as Hannah did; for grace, as Paul did. “You can pray, too, anywhere — in…
Last Sunday we held a Summer Choir Service and invited a nearby church and a missionary family to join us. We also invited several unsaved friends and family members to come and hear the choir sing about what the Lord has done for us. (Often when the choir or individuals sing we refer to them…
Tonight we begin our Bible Conference! It runs from 18th-22nd May. Weekdays it starts at 7pm and on Sundays we have services at 10am, 11am and 6pm. Our preacher for the week is Pastor David Moore, of Milton Baptist Church in Stoke-on-Trent. Pastor Moore is originally from Northern Ireland and has been pastor of churches…
Brimpton Baptist Church has a relatively small congregation, but they accomplish a great deal and they do it well. I’m thinking about our choir at the moment. A couple have had training, but most have not. Yet they all sound great. And I am not just meaning that they make a joyful noise. They make…
Brimpton Baptist Church has held a service on Good Friday for about as long as I can remember. After a service remembering and praising God for the vicarious suffering and death we take time to have a meal on the grounds and fellowship for a while. This Good Friday Faith Baptist Church in Newbury joined…
I wonder what you would see if you could take a snapshot of Easter being recognised around the world today. In parts of Pakistan they celebrate, but quietly, due to fear of nearby Muslims who have recently attacked them. They worry that if they show too much excitement they may bring the wrong kind of…