Speaking the Truth in Love
Then Came Sunday Jesus was my Master; I had crowned Him King. I believed that He was God; The Mighty Lord of everything. Then my Lord was crucified, all my faith was lost. Every dream I dared to dream, died upon that cross. Then Came Sunday and Jesus Christ arose Crushing the enemy, conquering all His…
“Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God” – Romans 1:1 Each word of our Bible has been carefully selected by the Holy Spirit with a specific intention. This focus upon individual words is why we find such determination in our circles to defend the…
Outreach Believing one of the obvious priorities of the church is the Great Commission we have been doing all we can to share the Gospel with our community. We have started systematically distributing 10,000 leaflets in the nearby towns and villages. The cards give an introduction to the church and a basic presentation of the…
Recently we held our missions conference at Brimpton Baptist Church. It was obviosuly the first we have held since returning here and we felt God blessed in a great way! Our theme for this year is “Sowing the Seed” and we are emphasising that we need to sow the seed of the Gospel in our…
We have chickens. I know you know. Every one seems to know we have chickens. The news of our chickens and the now infamous coop spread more quickly than the Black Death. We got chickens primarily to produce eggs. It saves money because we don’t have to buy them. They make money because we can…
A couple of months ago one of the men in the church asked if we could plan some opportunities for the men of the church to fellowship and be encouraged. We planned a prayer breakfast which went well and also a men’s conference. Initially it was going to be something for the men of our…
When we first arrived here a few months ago it was mentioned to us that there had been a problem with bees. This soon became apparent when we found numerous dead bees and also a few live ones. A pest control company had quoted several hundred pound to get rid of them so I decided…
Any day now we hope to receive materials for our first major outreach for 2011 at Brimpton Baptist Church! We ordered 1750 of these before Christmas and any one who has seen them has liked them. We hope to receive 10,000 very soon. Brimpton has only a couple of hundred homes, if that, but we…
Measure twice, cut once! There are many other pieces of news more important and of more consequence than this. But it is 23:33 and while I feel the compulsion to start my blog again I don’t have the presence of mind to deal with important matters. So, I’ll share some fun news. Toward the end…
Having moved into a couple of different ministry situations over the past years I know that you cannot ask too many questions in order to understand the existing situation. It is always wise to walk around the ministry property asking questions about everything from the building structure down to who sharpens pencils (not that there…