Speaking the Truth in Love
Many of you know, from my frequent Twitter and Facebook updates, that beginning on Monday our lives have been disrupted due to a main’s gas leak near our home. It is a relatively small problem, but it is a problem following on from what seems to be 18 months of near constant trials. Yesterday we…
For a few weeks we have smelt gas in and around our home, but we put it down to utility works going on at the front of our house. However, after we returned from being away for the weekend the smell in the house was very strong. This afternoon I contact the gas company and…
Finding good Bible story books for children can be a difficult task. We have quite a few, but in some way they all seem to lack something. Some of them have dubious theology, others have peculiar images. Some skip over huge portions of Scripture in a single reading. From what I have seen of Egermeier’s…
Could you please remember in your prayers some special requests? Both are medical issues facing friends and family right now: 1. Amy – Amy is one of Carrie’s cousins and is facing surgery tomorrow. Amy has medical conditions already and so I know she and the family would appreciate prayers and support right now. 2.…
Over at my general blog site – www.ebenezer-rising.com – I have just started a new series on abortion. It is a 12 part series that will run for the next two weeks. I want to invite you to head over and sign up for the e-mail updates or RSS feed from that site so you…
This past week has been a tough one. The kids have all been sick with a stomach bug and now it seems Chicken Pox is settling in. The itching isn’t too bad yet, but I guess it is just a matter of time. I’ve been struggling with sickness as well and I think I have…
A few months ago I made the decision to make this site almost solely for newsletters and family and directly ministry related news. Over on my other site, www.ebenezer-rising.com, I put sermon notes and regular updates on pretty much any topic under the sun. So, swing by and take a look if you are interested:…
Since beginning lectures in the new full-time Bible school things have been very busy, but it has been exciting to see the Lord at work. I just wanted to give a brief update to let you know about everything that has been happening. Bible School – I am working with Pastor Stephen Boreland in this ministry…
{password}Yesterday we took the day off and went up to Tynemouth which is a great little town! We went to the ruins there which were really interesting. God blessed us with great weather and a great day.
The Bible Comes Alive is a program that uses boards with information and people dressed up as characters from the Bible to tell Bible stories. This year we covered the life of Christ. A narrator will talk about each board and then introduce the characters as he comes to them. Local schools bring classes up…