Speaking the Truth in Love
{vimeo}5333583{/vimeo} Everyone loves a good story, and the greatest story of all is the Story of Redemption! This message was preached at Hallgarth’s Friend and Family Service in June, 2009. Part of the reason for the service was to celebrate Hallgarth’s 100 year anniversary.
Tonight we held a Friend and Family service at Hallgarth Mission and had a great time! For several weeks we have been building the meeting up with the members and other believers in the area. Many were praying and we had several out distributing literature this week. We managed to get out around 4500 in…
No one would deny that the average age of the believers in ministry I am involved with is, well, above average. There are a number of older saints in Bethesda and the two mission halls. There are several in their 90’s, more in their 80’s, and a good number in their 70’s, 60’s and 50’s.…
The internet provides vast amounts of information, and trawling through all your favourite sites looking for changes can be very time consuming. That is where RSS comes in. RSS is a technology that allows special “Readers” to automatically receive updates or for updates to sites to be automatically e-mailed to individuals. The changes I have…
It has been a busy and blessed weekend. On Saturday evening Bethesda began a Bible Conference with Pastor David Moore. The conference theme is "Shoring Up the Foundations". Pastor Moore was one of my teachers in Bible school and he was my pastor when I was in Northern Ireland. Since those long-ago days David has…
Last week the Lord blessed us with a 7 seater vehicle! We have wanted and needed one for a while but the opportunity never came up. Now with three children, all still in car seats, the need became quite urgent. They would fit in the back of a car, but only just and that meant…
After a long 9 month wait our baby daughter arrived on Wednesday the 18th. We decided to call her Sophie Kaetlyn. Sophie means wisdom and the name first struck me when I read it in Colossians 1. Kaetlyn means pure. We liked the name Kaetlyn for both the meaning and the sound. Apparently we have…
Since moving to Sunderland my blog habits have seriously been affected. I guess with such a massive change in routine, new responsibilities, old ones passed away, it has been difficult. This week has been eventful. On Tuesday I took part in my first funeral service. Of course I have been at funerals before, but this…