• There’s a Mouse in the House, or Two…

    There are several varieties of mouse. We have Mickey Mouse who can be irritating, but also has his redeeming features. Then we have the computer mouse, this mouse I love and is a valuable tool. Finally, we have the regular, rodent mouse and it is this variety which I am currently doing battle with in…

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  • Boxing Day

    Boxing Day – a British holiday, takes place on the 26th of December when people box up all the unwanted gifts and give away… or is it the day after Christmas when every one fight and box over the gifts that others got that they wanted… well, none of the above really, I’ll explain more another time…

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  • The Beginnings at Hallgarth

    In Sunderland I am working with two mission halls that began as outreaches from Bethesda Free Church. One of them is called Hallgarth and has an amazing history that stretches back over 100 years. Both of the halls have become greatly reduced in number in recent years, but I know the Lord is going to…

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  • Nursing Home and the Millennium

    This afternoon we have the opportunity to go to a local nursing home for a carol service. Some of the people at the Ford Mission Hall made the arrangements and asked me to give a short message. We will be going there at 2pm today. This evening I am speaking at Bethesda and finishing a…

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  • Festive Family Fun

    We;re alive! Apologies for my lack in posting recently. With the move, issues with the house and a visit back to Northern Ireland this week I have had little time to get online and post updates. On Monday I travelled back to Northern Ireland, picked up the Andersons from the airport and then we all…

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  • Why Are We in Sunderland?

    Having made something of a major move, and due to circumstances not been able to give too much explanation initially, I thought I would share a little more now that I am able. The short answer is that we are in Sunderland to share the Gospel with the lost, to edify believers and help train…

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  • Three Weeks in Sunderland

    We have been in Sunderland around three weeks and it has felt non-stop. We have had many answers to prayer and are enjoying getting to know the people here. God has blessed with some very kind and thoughtful friends, without whom these past weeks would have been almost impossible. Since we have been here we…

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  • Sunderland’s Christian Heritage

    Well, we have been in Sunderland a few days now and I am starting to do some research on the city. An important element in understanding a people is to know about their history and surroundings. It seems Sunderland has a distinguished Christian heritage going back over 1400 years. I will just put the information…

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  • More About Our Move

    I thought we would share a little more about our move. The schedule I posted the other day will give the over rule view. Carrie and the children had about as good a trip as a 5 month pregnant mother with two children under 3 can expect. 🙂 It was not too bad and the…

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  • Wedding and a New Home

    Well, we have arrived! The last few days have been incredibly busy, but have had a great weekend and are now in our new home. On Saturday my little brother, Natalio, got married. Today we arrived in Sunderland and are busy unpacking. I have much to share, but at the moment we are just relaxing.…

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