Speaking the Truth in Love
On Monday we left Greenville, SC and headed for TN. We met one of Carrie’s friends that she grew up with in Nashville, TN. Carrie and Alyssa have known each other a long time and they had a good time talking over lunch. We ate at a place called Demos in Nashville in the downtown…
On Sunday I had the opportunity to be with two churches. In the morning I travelled over to Grace Baptist in Tifton to be with Pastor Ronny Vice. We had an early start in order to get there for breakfast at 8am. But, it was worth the early morning. The men in the church cooked…
Well, I am a few days behind in my blogging but I thought I would try to catch up today. Last Saturday Bro. Glen Robinson at Heritage Baptist took us out to a fun park. We had a good time and enjoyed perfect weather! We played the crazy golf and rode the go-karts. Bro. Glen’s…
Some may remember that Ashleigh spoke her first sentence when we were last here in the USA on deputation. I end up spending time away from family which is hard for the whole family, but especially on the children who do not understand. Ashliegh’s first sentence was, Daddy’s away. That was a heart breaker. Well,…
Last night we began services in Heritage Baptist Church in Albany, GA. As good Baptists we had a meal before the service which was great! I really enjoyed the good food and the great fellowship. Already I feel we have made good friends with the people at Heritage. Bro. Moore, from the Philippines, preached an…
Last week I received an invitation to this fellowship, and as much as I wanted to be there, it was four hours away from where I knew I would be and I knew I wanted to really rest those two days. But, I also knew the opportunity to fellowship with and learn from Austin Gardner…
This morning we had services with Pastor Gwynn Hayes at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cairo, Georgia. Two of the other missionaries preached during the Sunday School and I had the opportunity to preach during the 11am service. They gave us a warm welcome and I appreciated the opportunity to be with them. This afternoon we…
We just got back from final meetings with Northside Baptist Church and Trinity Baptist Church in Thomasville, Georgia. Both churches have a long history of serving the Lord through faithful stands on the truth and consistent support for local and worldwide missions. It was an answer to prayer that Pastor Morris Nichols was able to…
Last year I taught a few hours in the Bible school on the Gospel According to John. One book in my library on John was by a Pastor Max Alderman. Well, on Sunday I had the privilege of preaching in his church. For Sunday School I was with the 40-60 year olds and I believe…
Sunday evening one of the men at Bible Baptist called a pastor he knows who lived near by, Matt Trim. Pastor Trim used to be in the military and served for a while in the United Kingdom. God has given Matt a tremendous burden for the UK, Scotland especially. So, we made the time to…