Speaking the Truth in Love
Last night we began a new series asking the question of how we ought to pray for different groups or types of need. We kicked it off by asking how we should pray for the wicked. “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of…
In verses 5 and 6 Jude has encouraged his readers to contend for the faith by remembering the judgment on Israel for deviating doctrinally and on the angels for deviating devotionally. He now offers a final example with Sodom and Gomorrah who deviated practically. Remember the Judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah (7) Obviously, if we…
Remember the Judgment on the Angels (6) As Jude continues to demonstrate how to contend for the faith, once delivered to the saints, he encourages his readers to remember those who fell and were judged in the past. He has used the example of Israel deviating doctrinally and now he uses the example of the…
Remember the Judgment on Israel (5) Jude, having established the urgent need to earnestly contend for the faith, uses the remainder of his letter to instruct on how we should contend. In verses 5-7 Jude encourages his readers to consider examples from history and see the end result of deviating from God’s purposes for His…
Part 1 – An Introduction to Jude Part 2 – A Call to Contend (1/3) Part 3 – A Call to Contend (2/3) Jude’s Imperative Every preacher I know would happily preach only the Gospel every time he steps into the pulpit. Indeed, the more mature the preacher the more quickly he will go to…
Part 1 – An Introduction to Jude Part 2 – A Call to Contend (1/3) Jude’s Intention We have seen the human author, we have considered his audience, and we have noted Jude’s aspiration for them. Now, we will take a further step in what is still a part of the introduction to his main…
Read my “Introduction to Jude” Here Jude’s Introduction (1a) The Author Jude introduces himself as the brother of James and the servant, or bondslave, of Christ. There are several Jude’s mentioned in the New Testament, but along with others, I believe this is none other than Jude, the earthly brother of Jesus Christ. Though Jesus’…
Over 140 years ago Pastor Charles Spurgeon, a renowned preacher and theologian, commented often on depression. He did so in surprisingly open ways, for his time, and with insight that still helps many today. Consider a few of his well-known statements: “Furthermore, remember that even after you are secure in Christ, and accepted before God,…
When Jude set out to write his letter he at first intended on writing of their common salvation. But looking around he could see straws lying on the ground, evidence of problems that had to be resolved. So, as he writes, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, on the need to contend for the…