Speaking the Truth in Love
Just some pictures of the family.
Two weeks ago, November 18th, we had the opportunity to take a mission’s conference at Anchor Baptist Church in Waterford, Ireland. We had a great time of fellowship with the Thatchers and thank the Lord for their friendship. The Thatcher family and their church showed us great kindness and generosity. Our family really enjoyed the…
Good Morning! Today I made a few adjustments to the site which I hope you will enjoy. My only concern is that it may take some computers longer to load the site. If this is a problem for you then please let me know. Surfers are an impatient bunch and if a site takes too…
{password}Looking at a photo from a couple of months ago and one taking just last night it amazed me to see how much Samuel has grown! I thank God for my family.
Looking at a photo from a couple of months ago and one taking just last night it amazed me to see how much Samuel has grown! I thank God for my family.
"In August 2006, as the war in Lebanon raged, a gang of teenage girls confronted 12-year-old Jasmine Kranat and a friend on a London bus. “Are you Jewish?” they demanded. They didn’t hurt the friend, who was wearing a crucifix. But they subjected Jasmine, a Jew, to a brutal beating—stomping on her head and chest,…
This week a young mother died shortly after giving birth because she refused a blood transfusion. As a Jehovah’s Witness she did not believe it was right to accept the blood and consequently died. She left behind a husband and a set of twins. It saddens me that two precious children are left without a…
Last Tuesday the Coles and Stagners arrived at Dublin airport. Derek McCallum and I collected them and we have been on the move since then! We have really had a great time and I thank the Lord for their fellowship. We took them to the Giant’s Causeway, Dunluce Castle, Belfast and Carrikfergus. We drank a…
We just got in about 45 minutes ago after a great evening visiting with Northwest Baptist Church. We always enjoy time with Travis and Terri Snode and today was an extra blessing. Northwest Baptist Church is having their missions conference this week with a guest preacher who is a missionary in Africa. We really enjoyed…
Looking through the stats for our site this evening I found a confusion trend. I have the option to look and see which words people are putting into search engines when they end up being directed to our site. There are the expected words such as Baptist, sermon etc. But I also noticed several unusual…