• Church Anniversary – 8 Years

    Today has been a very busy day which polished off a very busy week! All the busyness has been good, but I am exhausted. Monday I got home from Birmingham to find new windows going in at the church, then we had some meetings to get new signs arranged, then I had to deal with…

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  • Bloomsbury Evangelical Free Church

    This past weekend I preached the anniversary services at Bloomsbury Evangelical Free Church in Birmingham, England. Phil and Connie Lord have come over from the USA and served there for several years now. The church is located in a tough area and I know they would appreciate your prayers as they give the Gospel out…

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  • Deputation 2008

    Yesterday we booked our tickets to travel to the USA in the spring of 2008 to complete raising our support. We love being in the USA, but I prefer to be home, with the church, in the country to which God has called me. However, I am looking forward to the opportunity to share the…

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  • VISA Interview

    As I mentioned in my prayer letter I have an interview with the Belfast Consulate General on October 2nd. Because our next trip to the USA will be slightly longer I need to apply for a B-1 VISA. Please pray that it all goes smoothly and that I get the VISA quickly. We also need…

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  • Its Here!

    For several weeks now we have witnessed the changing seasons. Really, it has not been much of a summer at all! In parts of the United Kingdom it has been the wettest year on record. However, the green leaves are changing colour and started falling to the ground. This morning Ashleigh picked one up on…

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  • Bible School Graduation

    On Friday Emmanuel Baptist Bible School held its 2007 graduation. We had six students receiving a combination of diplomas and certificates. Emmanuel is a local church based Bible School that operates on a part-time basis. Even though it is part time we require plenty of homework outside of the lectures and are currently implementing new…

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  • Northwest Baptist Church Opening

    Today Pastor Travis Snode and the people of Northwest Baptist Church officially open in the community. For a while they met in the Snode’s home, then recently they moved to a local hotel. After several months of announcing this day it has finally arrived. Literally tens of thousands of leaflets have gone out and many…

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  • Evangelism Forum

    This morning I met with a group of pastors at the church for an evangelistic forum. We discussed many different elements of evangelism and reaching out to our community. However, the focus and the majority of the time was spent on discussing two main areas. First, sharing resources and cooperating with other churches of like…

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  • Pointzpass Baptist Church

    Yesterday my family and I travelled about an hour south to be with Pointzpass Baptist Church for the day. Not too long ago they celebrated their 110 anniversary! It is exciting to see this church not just still in existance after all these years, but thriving! Many churches just exist. They come together, they have…

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  • Do You Trust Google? Then Why Not God?

    As I ponder the contents for FBC’s next Beacon magazine I keep coming back to trust and the obvious accompaniment, truth. I have long known about relativism, the teaching that all truth is relative to a fixed point. So, in essence, there can be many ideas about truth each as valid as another.  So, I…

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