Speaking the Truth in Love
One of my weaknesses is organisation. Some think I am on top of things in some ways, but if that is true (which I doubt) it is only because I put great effort in that area. Naturally I am not an organised person. God is helping me and I am searching out tools and tips…
The timing in my finite opinion could not have been worse, but the Lord knows best! This week we had our annual Holiday Bible Club at Faith Baptist Church. The Lord blessed and we had 13 children out each day. It ran from Monday to Thursday and I know the Lord worked. I realise 13…
{password}I understand that not everyone will be interested in the amount of pictures I am posting, but for those who are, here are some more. 🙂 You can watch the slideshow below, roll your mouse over it for more options or click any picture to go to the full size slideshow. View Album We are…
I understand that not everyone will be interested in the amount of pictures I am posting, but for those who are, here are some more. 🙂 You can watch the slideshow below, roll your mouse over it for more options or click any picture to go to the full size slideshow. View Album We are…
{password}We just got back from the hospital and Samuel and Carrie are fine. Carrie is very tired, and very sore, but generally okay. She may be released tomorrow, but we have to wait and see what her doctor decides. Samuel is eating and sleeping and doing everything he is meant to be doing. Ashleigh is…
We just got back from the hospital and Samuel and Carrie are fine. Carrie is very tired, and very sore, but generally okay. She may be released tomorrow, but we have to wait and see what her doctor decides. Samuel is eating and sleeping and doing everything he is meant to be doing. Ashleigh is…
{password}Well, we just got back from the hospital and mother and baby are both well. I’ll keep the words to a minimum and just throw some pictures up. Click on the pictures to get larger and better quality pictures that you can print if you want. {gallery}smwborn{/gallery}
Well, we just got back from the hospital and mother and baby are both well. I’ll keep the words to a minimum and just throw some pictures up. Click on the pictures to get larger and better quality pictures that you can print if you want. {gallery}smwborn{/gallery}
Well, I praise God for our baby son born just a few hours ago. Samuel Martin Wickens arrived today. He weighed in at 8lbs 13oz. We went in for a regular check up this morning and Carrie’s blood pressure was something like 138/106. The baby was due yesterday and that combined with Carrie’s bp caused…
Having considered the “appearance” of our materials at church I have been working to update practically everything. We live in an age where people’s minds are fine tuned to understand something or someone in a very short space of time. We make very quick judgments on everything and the appearance of our material need to…