“Let us beware of an unsanctified knowledge of Christianity. It is a dangerous possession, but a fearfully common one in these latter days. We may know the Bible intellectually, and have no doubt about the truth about its leading texts, and be able to talk glibly about its leading doctrines. And all this time the Bible may have no influence over our hearts, and wills, and consciences. We may, in reality, be nothing better than the devils.”
- Does our knowledge bear fruit in our lives?
- Does our knowledge of sin make us hate it?
- Does our knowledge of Christ make us trust and love him?
- Does our knowledge of the will of God make us strive to do it?
- Does our knowledge of the fruits of the Spirit make us labour to show them in our daily behaviour?
“Knowledge of this kind is really profitable. Any other religious knowledge will only add to our condemnation at the last day.”
– J.C. Ryle writing about Luke 4:34