Speaking the Truth in Love
Over the years I have been privileged to meet many Christian workers from around the world. I am always glad to see individuals and families following the call that God puts on their hearts, whether to go and share the Gospel or remain where they are and share the Gospel. I am especially glad when…
God desires fellowship with His creation. The Bible, God’s revelation of Himself and His plan, is the basis for our relationship with God. Before we look more at what the Bible is I want to lay a bit more of a foundation. How important is the Bible? Job 23:12 – I have esteemed the words of…
Disciples of Christ could prevent many problems in their lives by spending quality time in God’s Word. On Sunday mornings I am currently preaching a three week series on “Walking in the Word”. Spending time with God in His Word should be a daily habit for believers. Yet I find all too often that this…
This afternoon as my family and I drove into a car park we laughed at a situation unfolding between a dog and its owner. They had just returned from a walk, and the medium sized dog had in its mouth a stick about 6ft long. I got out of the van and before walking away…
In Joshua 4 the nation of Israel face the opportunity to end their wilderness wanderings, enforced because of the faithlessness of a previous generation, and they prepare to enter the land which God has promised to them. Standing between the promised new life and the trials of the old life, flowed the mighty river Jordan.…
March 1st. March 19th. April 29th. May 30th. Those are the dates of my last 4 blog updates. It is not exactly a regular and consistent use of a blog. So I am faced with a choice. Do I abandon the blog all together? Or on the day that every one else is setting soon-to-be-abandoned…
The just estimate of our gifts which Paul enjoins is needful in order that we may ascertain what God has meant us to be and do, and may neither waste our strength in trying to be some one else, nor hide our talent in the napkin of ignorance or false humility. There is quite as…
I have no sympathy with people who tell us today that these are the darkest days the world has ever seen. The days in which we live are appalling, but they do not compare with conditions in the world when Jesus came into it. Historians talk of the Pax Romana and make much of the…