• The Relentless Love of God

    In Hosea we find a tragic love story that pictures the relationship between Israel and God. Hosea’s wife, Gomer, betrays him, abuses his trusts, takes advantage of him and no doubt wounds him deeply. Yet, when Gomer finds herself sold off as a slave and abandoned by her lovers, it is Hosea that comes to…

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    “True Encouragement”

    In Sidlow Baxter’s daily devotional, “Awake My Heart”, he shares this thought on David’s plight and his response in 1 Samuel 30: “Afflictions and trials are sometimes allowed to accumulate without intermission, until it seems as though one more ounce of pressure, and our spirit will snap. Then, just at what seems to be the…

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  • Bandit Country Now a Beauty Spot

    We had the opportunity to visit some of these areas when we lived in Northern Ireland and they are really amazing places to visit.

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    He Saved in the Power of the Fact He Would Not Save Himself

    G. Campbell Morgan commenting on Mark 15:31 “Though they did not understand it-even the disciples themselves did not understand, but presently the light came, and ever and anon these men who wrote the records reveal in some passing phrase their past ignorance and their new illumination – the truth is this, that all those whom…

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  • Israel and Hamas

    In light of recent events in Israel I wanted to share some valuable resources. They come from the website www.standwithus.com. I would not claim Israel to be entirely innocent in all of their dealings, however, they are misrepresented in the western media and sadly many Christians do not know the whole truth. I encourage you…

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    “Striken, Smitten, and Afflicted”

    – by Thomas Kelly 1. Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, See Him dying on the tree! ‘Tis the Christ by man rejected; Yes, my soul, ’tis He, ’tis He! ‘Tis the long-expected Prophet, David’s Son, yet David’s Lord; Proofs I see sufficient of it: ‘Tis the true and faithful Word. 2. Tell me, ye who hear…

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  • Two that Were “Of God”

    Have you ever wondered why Matthew begins with the genealogy of Christ but Luke includes it after the baptism of Christ? Matthew writes to a Jewish audience with a key goal of convincing his readers of the rightful claim of Jesus Christ to the throne of Israel. He also writes, of course, to demonstrate that…

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  • The Resurrection-The Litmus Test of True Faith

    Nearly everyone will celebrate Christmas in some fashion. Most religious people will acknowledge during the Christmas season the birth of a baby named Jesus. Very rarely will you hear of someone arguing the birth of Jesus. Many will recognise Jesus on the cross. The cross, with Jesus portrayed on it or not, receives recognition in…

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    Waiting for Revival

    Here are some comments on preparing and waiting for revival by Arthur Augustus Reese: Some short-sighted people imagine that because as yet there has been no great noise amongst us, nothing has been accomplished-but has the farmer done nothing when he has tilled the ground, and sowed the seed? Are all prayers lost that are…

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  • Ultimate Preaching Rules

    I have been having a digital clear out this spring of nearly two decades of collected material. One file was labelled “Ultimate Preaching Rules”. I did not write them and have no idea where I found them, but they made me smile. I thought some others might enjoy them too: Ultimate Preaching Rules According to…

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