Speaking the Truth in Love
“Sojourner-distinguished from a native citizen” Our introduction to Abraham involves his leaving his home and all that is familiar in order to obey the Lord and go to a far country. From that point in we see him often as a pilgrim and referred to as a sojourner. Lot is also described as a sojourner by the…
At church a few weeks ago I had a discussion with some of the men regarding whether it was possible to forgive without being asked to forgive. There are many considerations such as the offense caused, the sin that has transpired and the consequences of sins committed and the laws of the land and integrity…
As I’ve preached through Mark’s account of the Gospel on Sunday evenings I have been greatly helped and blessed by G. Campbell Morgan’s commentary on Mark. When I reached chapter 5:21-43 I noticed a different tone in Morgan’s writing. It slowly dawned on my that he could relate to the suffering of Jairus as he…
“The whole volume of Scripture did prophesy of him. He was the sum and scope of all their predictions. He was Abraham’s promised seed, Abraham’s Isaac, Jacob’s Shiloh, Moses’ Great Prophet, Esaias’ Immanuel, Ezekiel’s Shepherd, Daniel’s Holy One, Zechariah’s Branch, Malachi’s Angel; all of them predictions to foretell his coming. All their types and ceremonies…
Twitter offers a great opportunity to send out brief messages, in an instant, to any one who wants to read it anywhere in the world. The limitations of Twitter, only having 140 characters to communicate in, can cause frustration. However, this limitation forces me to condense my thoughts into only the essential information. I’ve decided…
Preaching through Ephesians 4 I am struck by verses 14-16. God want’s His children to grow up. The words of this hymn I believe relate well the story of a believer growing in Christ. Once it was the blessing; now it is the Lord. Once it was the feeling; now it is His Word. Once…
This short video gives some helpful directions on discerning the core beliefs of Islam. It encourages us to go to the sources Islam rests on and not to rely only on what an individual Muslim might say:
On October 21st we took the opportunity to honour my pastor, Tom Dotson, and his wife, Mrs. Jane. Over the next few days I want to share some memories, thoughts and how we honoured the Dotsons on that day. To start with I want to share a news clipping from 1980. In my next…
The author of Hebrews in chapter 11 and verse 38 speaks of saints of God in the Old Testament and he says of them, “of whom the world was not worthy”. Pastor Dotson and Mrs. Jane I would put in that category. We have done what we can to honour them, but I know the…
“Everywhere the Kingdom of God has gone, it has brought with it hospitals and schools; truth, morality, and ethics; decency and compassion; and, above all, salvation. Wherever the gospel has gone, it has abolished cannibalism, child sacrifice, the immolation of widows, polygamy, demonism, slavery, and a thousand other such ills. It has built orphanages and…