Speaking the Truth in Love
Any day now we hope to receive materials for our first major outreach for 2011 at Brimpton Baptist Church! We ordered 1750 of these before Christmas and any one who has seen them has liked them. We hope to receive 10,000 very soon. Brimpton has only a couple of hundred homes, if that, but we…
Measure twice, cut once! There are many other pieces of news more important and of more consequence than this. But it is 23:33 and while I feel the compulsion to start my blog again I don’t have the presence of mind to deal with important matters. So, I’ll share some fun news. Toward the end…
Having moved into a couple of different ministry situations over the past years I know that you cannot ask too many questions in order to understand the existing situation. It is always wise to walk around the ministry property asking questions about everything from the building structure down to who sharpens pencils (not that there…
Last night several members of the church met in the school room and we prepared to head up to the village to sing carols. Brimpton is small with about 600 residents according to the 2001 census. We left the church and parked at the memorial and sang a carol there to get ourselves warmed up…
We had a great time this weekend and thank God for all He did for us. On Saturday we had a family get together and enjoyed a meal at a local resturant. I enjoyed seeing the family and catching up with some that I had not had much of a chance to speak to in…
“Now listen and I’ll show you the distinction of these words. In justification the sinner stands before God accused but he is declared righteous. In justification he stands before God accused but he is declared righteous. In forgiveness, the second word, the sinner stands before God as a debtor and receives a cancellation of his…
A missionary sent a prayer letter today along with a few pictures from his area of ministry, South Africa. One of them reminded me of a joke several of you have enjoyed. The picture is perfect for it. The story is told of a young boy from the USA who went to help a medical…
Recently I posted an article on how to get the most out of our website. Just to be extra helpful I’ve also made a video demonstrating how to use it as well. If you have any questions just let me know. You can view the video below. If accessing this from the front page click…
Recently I posted an article on how to get the most out of our website. Just to be extra helpful I’ve also made a video demonstrating how to use it as well. If you have any questions just let me know. You can view the video below. If accessing this from the front page click…
Through out church history some Christians have become household names. Their ministry as a preacher, pastor, evangelist, song writer, singer, pioneer missionary, translator, theologian or writer brought them to a wide audience and for one reason or another they have been remembered through out history. The vast majority of believers live lives of obedience and…