Speaking the Truth in Love
Scripture: Genesis 24:15-20 Rebekah’s character shines through in her interaction with Abraham’s servant. When asked for a drink, she readily agrees, but goes above and beyond, offering to water the camels as well. This was no small task – according to some sources watering ten camels could require up to 500 gallons of water and…
Scripture: Genesis 24:12-14 Abraham’s servant, commissioned with finding a wife for Isaac, demonstrates the crucial role of prayer in decision-making. As soon as he arrived at his destination, his first action was to pray for God’s guidance. He doesn’t rely solely on his own judgment but seeks God’s leading in this important task. In our…
It’s often, and correctly, said that Sunday morning church is a Saturday night decision. But that’s only part of the story. Regular church attendance is a life choice. Some schedule their lives so that not even a Saturday night decision can make Sunday church happen. Sunday morning church involves a Saturday night decision, but it…
“The Ten Commandments of Dating” Outside of marriage, one of the most important and impactful areas of a person’s life is who they marry. Who they marry is ultimately decided by who they date. So, good principles about dating are vital. I would highly recommend this book to parents, pastors, youth leaders, young adults (I’m…
Growing up I had the privilege of going to a small Christian school that used the ACE curriculum. Every PACE highlighted a character trait. My pastor also highlighted the importance, from a Biblical perspective, of good character. With that background, I was excited to read Pat William’s book, Character Carved in Stone. The book expounds…
This document is published by Stand With Us. It is a few years old but is still a great resource. I’d encourage you to check out their website for more information. This document gives short answers to 25 difficult questions about the modern state of Israel. The questions include, I encourage you to read and…
In this document, Eli Hertz spells out the modern history of Israel from a legal perspective. He traces the legal rights of Israel to the land. In his introduction he writes, “Any attempt to negate the Jewish people’s right to Palestine—Eretz-Israel, and to deny them access and control in the area designated for the Jewish…
This is the fourth article in a series of articles demonstrating that the church is distinct from Israel, Israel still holds an important place in God’s program, and they have the right to exist in the land God gave them. Article 1: Distinctives Between Israel and the Church Article 2: Israel is Israel’s By Covenant Article 3:…
This is the third article in a series of articles demonstrating that the church is distinct from Israel, Israel still holds an important place in God’s program, and they have the right to exist in the land God gave them. Article 1: Distinctives Between Israel and the Church Article 2: Israel is Israel’s By Covenant There…
This is the second in a series of articles demonstrating that the church is distinct from Israel, Israel still holds an important place in God’s program, and they have the right to exist in the land God gave them. Article 1: Distinctives Between Israel and the Church The Covenant with Abraham was unconditional and has…