Speaking the Truth in Love
Every now and then I’ll find in my personal library a book which I cannot remember buying, receiving, or borrowing. So, if the book I’m about to mention is borrowed and actually belongs to you, let me know. 😉 The book is titled, “Only a Prayer Meeting – Studies on Prayer Meetings and Prayer Meeting…
Genesis 15-17 I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Genesis 17:1 Many years previous God had promised to Abram and Sarai that they would have a son. But in their impatience, they tried to force the hand of God and Abram had a son by Sarai’s maid, Hagar. Now, having…
Genesis 12 open up to us the life of Abram, who later God would rename Abraham. We don’t have a list of others in Abram’s generation who disobeyed, but we do have a record of Abram’s faith. We see that each time he called on the Lord or obeyed a command from the Lord, blessings…
Genesis 10-11 Chapter 10 may seem to be one of those chapters to get through in order to get on with the rest of the story. After all, how does a list of names and nations compare to the devastating rebellion and judgment at Babel? But looked at another way, chapter 10 serves as one…
Genesis 6-9 Several words stand out to me in this passage. Words that describe humanity include, wickedness (6:5) evil (6:5) violence (6:10) corrupt (6:12) Yet, Noah found grace in the eyes of God. Words associated with Noah include, Just Perfect (not sinless, but upright) Walked with God Righteous We could add obedient and faithful to…
Genesis 3-5 “Yea, hath God said…” Satan’s opening salvo against God began with these words. He followed this initial question with simple, yet effective, tactics to deceive Eve and Adam. But to say Satan deceived them is not to remove any blame from them. Had they embraced the truth, the deception would not have worked.…
The consistent themes that run through God’s Word point to a single author. Genesis 1 opens with a clear division between light and darkness. Genesis 1 also describes the natural order of each creature or plant reproducing after its own kind. Genesis 2 speaks specifically of the creation of humanity in God’s image. Genesis 2…
People seem hardwired to reflect on the past. It doesn’t take much for an individual or group to reminisce on the old days. As we approach the 2020’s I feel like we only just began the new millennium! A new year. A new decade. In what feels like what is still a new century and…
“… at the first sound of ‘God bless you, merry gentlemen! May nothing you dismay!’, Scrooge seized the ruler with such energy of action that the singer fled in terror, leaving the keyhole to the fog and even more congenial frost.” A Christmas Carol, 1843 The carol that caused such terror in Ebenezer Scrooge dates…
On Christmas morning of 1863, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow sat and listened to the bells of churches ring out in the traditional celebration of the day. Some 1800 years had passed since the time of Christ and the Gospel had spread far and wide across the globe. Much had been accomplished. In some places, you could…