Book Review: “How Wars Begin and End”

“How Wars Begin and End” – A.J.P. Taylor I don’t think this is a book I would recommend for the simple reason that I don’t trust the author. In numerous places as I read the book something seemed off. I couldn’t argue the facts, but sometimes a conclusion was stated that felt wrong. However, when … Read more

Book Review: “A Christian Guide to the Classics” This short book gives a great introduction to what constitutes a classic, why we should read the classics, how to read them as a Christian, and more. Many people avoid certain types of literature thinking they are just for certain people. Ryken makes it clear that everyone should have some exposure to the classics. … Read more

Spurgeon’s Sorrows – a Book Review

Over 140 years ago Pastor Charles Spurgeon, a renowned preacher and theologian, commented often on depression. He did so in surprisingly open ways, for his time, and with insight that still helps many today. Consider a few of his well-known statements: “Furthermore, remember that even after you are secure in Christ, and accepted before God, … Read more