3/9 – Prayer and Fervency

Unless otherwise noted, all quotes are from EM Bounds book, The Necessity of Prayer. The Necessity of Fervency “Prayer, without fervour, stakes nothing on the issue, because it has nothing to stake.” “Prayers must be red hot. It is the fervent prayer that is effectual and that availeth.” What does fervency in prayer reveal about … Read more

2/9 – Prayer and Trust

Faith and trust are similar and yet very different. Faith believes based upon evidence, trust believes almost despite the evidence. Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are taken from E.M. Bounds’ book, The Necessity of Prayer. What is the difference between faith and trust? ” There is, when all is said and done, a sort of … Read more

3 Ways Prayer Helps in Trials

In Joshua 4 the nation of Israel face the opportunity to end their wilderness wanderings, enforced because of the faithlessness of a previous generation, and they prepare to enter the land which God has promised to them. Standing between the promised new life and the trials of the old life, flowed the mighty river Jordan. … Read more