We arrived into Bristol on Thursday July 6th and it feels like we have been caught in traffic ever since! But we are happy to spend some time back in England. It has amazed me how different everything looks, the country side and homes etc.
On Friday we drove up to Corby and stayed with Brian and Helen Booth. They were a great blessing to us and we enjoyed or stay with them.
On Saturday TFBC held a BBQ and we enjoyed the fod and fellowship. We played cricket for several hours and my lack of cricket experiance shone through! The weather remained dry which amazed me. Normally crcket in an English country side is the equivilent of other culture's rain dance!
On Sunday Morning Bro. Layton Kelly presented his ministry to drug addicts and preached a very good message. We had lunch on the premsis and then returned in the evening. I gave a presentation on our ministry in Northern Ireland and preached from II Corinthans 5. It seemed to go well but I will probably look into stream lining my presentation. I am stuggling to find the balance between being comprehensive and brief.
On Monday we drove back down south and will stay with my parents for a few days. We will have a few days to relax and then on Sunday we will be with West Basingstoke Baptist.
Thank you for your continued prayers.