This morning Bro. Randy, a member of Faith Baptist Baxely, collected us all and took us to run some errands. We had a good time talking and discussing the differences and similarities between the US and the UK. Randy drove us to Walmart first. Carrie's birthday was approaching quickly so I got her a small gift. On the 27th she will be 24 years young! She is such a wonderful wife I can only praise God for her.
Next Bro. Randy drove ALL over town for us trying to find a particular calling card some of the guys from Asia needed to call home. He was so helpful and we really appreciated his kindness and willingness to help.
We relaxed for the afternoon and I read a book on Iran as it is spoken of in Ezekiel 38-39. The author, Hitchcock, commentates ably on the historical, current and Biblical place for Persia/Iran.
In the evening we had a BBQ and then another service. We all sang "Because He Lives" before the sermon. A couple of years ago I would have been so nervous about singing in front of others. Now I am singing with guys from Burma, Korea and Kenya! A testimony to what the Lord will do if we let Him.
Bro. Justus Wafula from Kenya brought a good message from Romans 1 on a "World Christian". His emphasis was on believers seeing the need for evangelism globally as well as locally.