Greetings! My e-mail access has been a bit hit and miss so I have not been able to update as often as I would have liked.
Sunday 10th September I was up in North Carolina. On Sunday morning I was with Oakview Baptist Church in Hickory, NC. I was with them just to attend services but the Lord laid it on the heart of the pastor to let me preach and present my burden. The Lord blessed the services and a number of believers came forward at the end of the service. They were a very welcoming and friendly church. I met one gentleman who had served in the military at base near where I grew up.
In the afternoon I met Emmanuel Roll, a national pastor in the Bahamas, and we travelled to Mooresville NC. We got lost and got to the services at Shepherd Baptist Church just in time for the services.
Emmanuel and I were there for the mission's conference running from the Sunday evening to Wednesday evening. The people there were some of the most loving, welcoming and giving people I have ever met. Perhaps the greatest blessing was seeing the pastor's youngest daughter make a profession of faith in the last service! If nothing else comes of these two months any small part I had in that would make it worth while.
On Wednesday night I drove home to be with Carrie and Ashleigh for a couple of days. Thursday evening we were able to spend a few hours with our good friends, the Bopps. Jay and Nancy and their two daughters, Hatherliegh and Chelsea, have been an incredible blessing and help to Carrie and I. Perhaps one day I'll devote a post to sharing what a blessing they are.
On Friday we went to Jim and Kiristie Hershmans. Again, a wonderful family and people we love dearly. I'd love to say more but must move on.
On Saturday I drove back to Valdosta, Georgia. Sunday morning and evening we were with Center Cross Community Church. We had a blessed time of fellowship with them after both services.
We have a couple of days to relax and then we have about 10 days of consistent services.
God has answered prayer in providing for us and specifically in providing me with a lap top!