This morning Bro. Dorminey cooked breakfast for us in the camp kitchen. We had a good meal and then went over to his home for a short visit. He had grapevines with the biggest grapes I have ever seen! They tasted so sweet, I wish I could have taken a few buckets with me!
Whilst picking grapes I came across a big green spider… which was interesting. Hopefully I'll be able to post a few pictures in the next few days.
Then we were back on the road and heading for Baxely, GA. We arrived about lunch time and settled in to our next home for a few days. FBC had good accommadations for us.
This evening I preached from Jeremiah 8 and 9 and felt like the service went well. After the service Bro. Crummy introduced himself to me. He had been associate pastor with Lester Roloff twice and the church he had just retired from he had taken over from Bro. Roloff. Bro. Crummy and his wife had just moved up from Texas. He gave some encouraging words which really blessed me.