Today we had our final services with FBC Baxely. Jun preached in the Sunday School hour and also spoke from Romans 1. Then Bro. Lester Allen preached for the 11am service.
For lunch we went to the Chinese Buffet in town. The ladies and a few of the men in the church have fed us lunch and dinner for the last few days and it has been excellent! The food has been delicious! It reminded me a lot of the dishes Mrs. Dotson used to prepare. I guess I am in the region the Dotsons are from so that would explain why. But as well as the quality (and quantity) of the food the fellowship has been very special. It will be very sad and very hard to say goodbye to the friends I have made here.
In the evening service the Lord really blessed. Bro. Lester brought a short challenge and each missionary shared a final word of testimony. Justus, from Kenya spoke last and began by saying, "Again they leave the white man until last!" 🙂 Just about every one in the church started laughing. After this we had a time of questions and answers. Someone asked what our favourite food had been. The good times eaten had become a regular joke this week. I said Pecan Pie had been my favourite. We all answered and then it got to Tlong from Burma. His answer had everyone laughing again. Having flown several thousand miles and then tried numerous dishes in South Georgia Tlong announced his favourite meal had been – at the Chinese Buffet in town!
At the end of the service Pastor Gary had everyone in the church join hands and we closed the mission's conference out in prayer.
After the service Megan S—-, a young girl in the church, came up to me and gave me a note that said "You are a great preacher!" That was a blessing to me. 🙂
So many people in the church were a blessing to me I would hardly know where to begin describing them all. I will truly miss this church and will remember them in my prayers. It would be great to visit with them again this side of glory but if not, I look forward to seeing them again in Heaven!
Soon we were back on the road heading for Valdosta!