God knows how busy the last week has been and how much your prayers mean to us.
Last Monday I woke up in Dothan Alabama. We had arranged to meet with the pastor at IHOP for breakfast but at 8am received news of a mission’s conference that night in Tampa, Florida! So, we got back on the road and around 10 hours later arrived just in time for services. The services were with Pastor Tony Smart at Victory Baptist Church. We enjoyed fellowshipping with them for the short time we were there. Please pray for a young lady in that church who has expressed a desire to be a missionary to Ireland.
We spent two nights there and last Wednesday we drove up to Hinesville, Georgia. There we met Pastor Tim Parrish. We had services "Camp Meeting Style" and I really enjoyed the new experiance! If you are ever that way ask Jeremy, one of the men in the church, to show you the pictures of his pet crocidiles!
In that conference we met two ladies, one going to Israel and the other to Peru. We also met Bruce Berry, a missionary to Brazil. (Once I remember the ladies names I will add them – sorry.)
Then last Saturday we drove to Lawrencburg, TN, once the home of David Crockett. We had services there with Pastor Jesse Cozart, Pastor James Brown and New Hope Baptist Church in Leoma.
It has been mostly a blessing over the past few days. The difficulty has been some kind of sinus infection. Last Wednesday, the 4th, my birthday, I went to bed with a fever. Most of the night I alternated between burning up and shivering with cold. Then for several days I had dizziness, toothache, headache, ear ache and all that fun stuff! Anyway, on Sunday the Lord blessed and I met a lady who works in a dentist’s office. She was able to put me on a course of penicillen for 10 days. Finally I have found some relief! I praise God for His goodness. Feeling as sick as I did driving 10 hours from Hinesville GA to TN was not high on my list. But God kept us safe and I thank God for the opportunity for the meetings.
Last night we started a conference with Open Bible Baptist Church here in Valdosta, GA. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing here.
Tomorrow we have the first day off in about two weeks. We have been in constant meetings for this whole time. Then Friday we travel to Chatanooga TN to begin again.
One final word of a praise, today I recieved news of a church in the UK taking us on for support! I will figure out the new %%% and post it on the site tomorrow.
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