This morning I went with Justus Wafula and Bro. Lester Allen back to Dothan Baptist Church for our final service with Pastor Jerry Turner. Justus gave a short word of thanks and then I preached on Essentials for Missions. Bro. Lester spoke in the 11am service from John 3.
We had more good fellowship with the people at Dothan Baptist. They clearly love the Lord, each other and have a desire to see the lost won to Christ!
After the services the pastor took us out to lunch. We waited to get in the restuarent and then waited quite a long time for the meal. However, I count this a blessing as it gave us time to fellowship and get to know each other a little more.
This evening we had the blessing of being back with Grace Baptist Church with Pastor Crosby. I sang "How Deep the Father’s Love For Us" and Bro. Lester preached. Some may be taken back at reading I sang a special. To add to the surprise I sang without the piano or anything. It was the first time I have ever done that. I would sooner preach to 2000 than sing in front of 20! However, I did enjoy it, the Lord blessed and I believe others were blessed through the message of the song.
After ther service we went back to the Crosby’s home with the Vicker’s family. Mark Vickers and his family were so friendly and I thank the Lord for the opportunity to meet them. At the Crosby’s we had great pancakes, french toast and bacon! Mrs Crosby and the ladies who helped her did a fantastic job!
After we ate we gathered around the piano and sang! It was such an encouragement to me. Pastor and Mrs. Crosby and their family (Richard, Ben, John, Jennifer and Doug) are a good testimony to what a godly family looks like. Three are married and I can see the Lord blessing their families also.
I praise God for the opportunity to meet the people of Dothan and Grace Baptist, for the opportunity to meet the Jones, Turner and Crosby families. Of course many in the churches were also a blessing but I could not possibly name them all.
I pray God will bless and continue to use them all.