Well, our journey from Valdosta, Georgia to Chatanooga Tennessee was long but uneventful.Driving through the mountains of TN has been very beautiful!
We began the Mission’s Conference with Pastor Tom McGuirt on Sunday 15th October. I have really enjoyed my time with Pastor Tom and his family. God willing his son and daughter will come and visit us in Northern Ireland. Several couples and individuals have expressed an interest in coming and I hope they all do.
Tiftonia Baptist Church support a couple of missionary families I know or am familier with. John Jones and his family I know well and also the Palmers. I met Bro. Glen last year at a conference and I met his daughter Charity here in Tiftonia.
On Monday I had the pleasure of visiting Crown College up in Knoxville. A young man, David Evans, gave us the grand tour and it was a blessing and a challenge to see the work the Lord has used Clarence Sexton to build.
While on campus someone called out to me. Not expecting to know anyone in a place I had never been before I just kept walking. Then out of the lobby ran John Jones! It was a surprise but a great blessing to see him. We talked for a while then and later we met again in the book store.
Today I am meeting John Anderson for lunch and another missionary who is going to Northern Ireland. I have spoken with John a few times on the phone and actually found him through his website. John is raising support to go to the UK.
This past week I have been with Scotty Drake. He and his wife Barbara have been great! I wish I had more time to spend with them. Bro. Scotty is a good man, probably one of the last of the few great Baptist fundamentalists of our generation. Yesterday and today he has met with Dr. Lee Roberson for lunch.
It has been a busy but blessed time. I hope to post some pictures soon of the Bible Camp where we have been staying. It is beautiful!
Lastly, please pray as I have just confirmed flights to go to a Mission’s Conference in Spain at the end of November. I have met Bro. Usebio Perez on several occasions and look forward to seeing him again.