It has been a very busy few weeks and it looks to get a lot busier.
It does not seem too long ago that I returned from the mission’s conference in Spain. I had the opportunity to visit with Arroyo Baptist Church in Malaga. Pastor and Mrs. Perez and the church all made me feel very welcome. Of course, not speaking English was a slight hinderance, but I still felt a connection with the believers. Again God has shown me the connection between believer’s is something miraculous!
Since returning it has been very busy. Preparing for sermons, preparing the Beacon and getting it to the printers, preparing to lecture in the Bible school on the 13th and a hundred other tasks have kept us going.
Tomorrow I will lecture for two hours at the Bible School on the Doctrine of the Church. Two hours to cover a huge topic such as the church would challenge anyone! I hope to have sufficient notes to send home with them for the students to continue their study of the church in their own time. The lecture hours will just high light important truths and give an over view of the entire doctrine. It is designed to be a foundation on which they can build, but practical enough to make a difference to their lives from the earliest point.
On Sunday we will have our Carol service. Please pray that the Lord will bring in visitors. We have several special elements planned for the service such as solos and Bible Readings. We trust the Lord will bring in visitors, that they will hear the Gospel and be saved!
Please remember us in your prayers!