Recently Milton Baptist Church and Ballyclare Baptist Church launched new websites. I wanted to share them with you as the pastors there are good men and have been a blessing to me. Also, by linking to them it makes their sites easier to find!
“Milton Baptist Church is an independent Baptist Church where you will find a warm welcome. We are conservative in our outlook with a clear emphasis on Bible teaching and preaching. We try to make our teaching interesting and relevant, as well as challenging and life changing. We preach the gospel of Christ in the “old-fashioned” way, yet we see ourselves as ‘Moving with the times, whilst anchored to the Rock.'”
David Moore was my pastor while I was in Bible School and also one of my teachers. His site is made with a Mac but do not let that put you off. It is a good site with plenty of information about who they are and what they do.
Their website has plenty of information about the churches history and current programs. It also encorporates some audio and written messages. You can check this out here, if you need the best website designs.
Pastor Stephen Boreland was another of my Bible School teachers and also the president of In Focus Ministries.