{password}With many plans, ideas, requirements, deadlines, ambitions and goals comes the reluctance to take a step back and rest for a while.
For a long while I could not seem to relax and just spend time with the family. I have found the key is in leaving the house. Some how even if I do not check my e-mail for 7 or 8 hours everything in the world continues on as normal! I have found myself getting so involved in working that I have not taken the proper time to relax and be with my family. However, in the past few months I have been trying to rectify that situation.
The key really is in leaving the house. Today we had a great trip down to a coastal town called Newcastle and then we headed a few miles inland to see the Mourn Mountains.
We had a great time together as a family and Ashleigh LOVED running on the beach! There are several pictures in our gallery as well as the couple here.