As many of you know the church I currently pastor was started 7 years ago by Pastor Tom Fittis. Since its beginnings it has met on a second floor above some shops. We have made repeated attempts to purchase land or buildings or to rent something on the ground floor but so far we have not succeeded. So far, it could be said, it has not been the Lord's timing.
Late last year we heard of a primary school, about 30 seconds walk from our church, was due to close. I immediately wrote to the government body involved requesting an opportunity to purchase some land from them on which we could build or even purchase the existing buildings.
The government official replied by saying they had not decided the school was surplus to requirements but would contact us if it did become available.
However, at the end of last week a local newspaper announced the closure of the school in the month and year I had previously discovered and which the government official denied. In the same newspaper a local MP (Member of Parliament) encouraged "community groups" to apply to use the buildings or ground before developers moved in and built homes on the property.
Toward that end I have put together a proposal to the local MP requesting his guidance and assistance in the matter. I have compiled the architect's drawings, my proposal and plans for working in the community and maps showing our present location and needs.
Today I went to the politician's office and arranged a meeting with him next week. I also left the envelop with our proposal. The secretary I spoke with told me Mr McCrea has been involved with the school already, has visited there several times and knows exactly what is going on. This is all a good thing. Instead of his having to contact another politician he is exactly the person to whom we need to speak!
- Please pray that we could acquire a building or a piece of land on which to build.
- Please pray for the financial position of the church. We could immediately pay a lump sum of and could possibly get a mortgage to pay the remainder.
This seems like an opportunity like no other. The need is great and grows with each passing week. Two weeks ago a founding member of the church told us she could no longer physically attend church because of the steps. Then on Saturday during visitation a disabled lady told us she would love to come to our church but could not get up the steps. Of course we can and do visit with those who cannot come to us.
With the right facilities we would begin a number of ministries that we have always wanted to have. As well as increasing our youth work we would hold mother and baby groups, open days for the community, assistance for the poor and needy… the list goes on and on. I would like to provide some kind of open policy so that those with needs in the community will feel free to come to the church for help, support and advice. Recently, having discovered more about abortion, I would like to have a ministry supporting those women who may be considering abortion.
When I stop to think about all the possibilities I could get excited!
Above all else it will provide extra opportunities to share the Gospel with the lost.
Please pray with us about this exciting opportunity.