This past weekend my family and I had the blessing of visiting with Pastor Moore and his family in Milton, England. Pastor David Moore and Hazel Moore have been a great blessing and help to me since I first met them about 6 years ago.
David Moore was my pastor while I lived in Northern Ireland and also one of my teachers in Bible School. It seems odd that the Lord has led me to Northern Ireland while around the same time David has been led to England… but the Lord knows what He is doing in our lives.
We had a really good time of fellowship and I believe the Lord blessed during the services on Sunday. The people in the church gave us a warm welcome and we enjoyed our time with them (
The journey to Milton on Saturday and the return on Monday afternoon went well. It is always unpredictable travelling with a two year old but the Lord was good and Ashleigh behaved perfectly! Carrie is tired, but doing well. She really enjoyed her time with Hazel Moore as they got an opportunity to know each other better over the weekend.
The Lord has a sense of humor, of that I have no doubts. Growing up I always wanted to travel. The desire to travel was so strong it was almost an obstacle to my answering the call to preach. Little did I know what God has in store.
Over the past few years my calling as a pastor and missionary have led me to England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, United States and Spain. In the UK I have flown into more airports than I thought I would ever see, two in Belfast, Cardiff, Bristol, Aberdeen, Luton, Heathrow, Gatwick and now Manchester. Last year in the US I drove 7,000 miles in 7 weeks as I travelled to 20 churches in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida and Tennessee. A week after that trip I found myself in Malaga, Spain.
Yes, the Lord has a sense of humor. It is almost as if He said, "You want to travel, fine, here, travel!". Invites to minister and preach have been extended from friends in Kenya and South Korea but I think it will be a few years before I can accept the invitation, but God knows, I would love to go.