Today we held our final service in our Spring Bible and Life series. Layton Kelly, from Lifegate Bible Baptist Church, Dublin, came up for the day. Layton has a tremendous testimony of how the Lord saved him from a life of drugs and destitution. The change in Layton's life can only be accounted for by recognising the changing power of Christ in his life.
Layton heads up Reformer's Unanimous down in Dublin, working under the ministry of Lifegate. Layton preached two powerful messages which I will post on the church website soon. I would encourage you to learn more about his ministry by visiting his webpage – Layton Kelly
We had around 8-9 visitors, most of which are not saved. Pray that they will see their need and that they will turn to God through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
God willing we will hold three more meetings in our Bible and Life series in September, October and November. Over the past three months we have looked at the Bible and Bioethics, the Bible and Anger and finally the Bible and Addictions. We hope to conclude this series in November with a 5 day Gospel mission.