The timing in my finite opinion could not have been worse, but the Lord knows best! This week we had our annual Holiday Bible Club at Faith Baptist Church.
The Lord blessed and we had 13 children out each day. It ran from Monday to Thursday and I know the Lord worked. I realise 13 may not seem like much, but the week worked well for many reasons.
Each day we looked at a segment of the life of Joshua. We saw Joshua the Soldier, Joshua the Spy and Joshua as meaning Saviour. I wanted to impact the children with the truths of being in the Lord’s army, choosing to do right to glorify God and most of all accepting Christ as their Saviour so they could be a part of the Lord’s army.
We had several children who came from families in the area who attend other churches. We also had several whose parents do not attend church but they come to us by choice. We thank the Lord for them and ask that you would pray for them.
We have been able to make good contacts with many of the parents and we trust that the Lord will work and provide us with the opportunity to share the Gospel with them all.
This week seemed the worst for timing as it was only last Friday that Carrie arrived home from hospital and just three days before that she had had an emergency c-section. With the extra responsibilities at home it seemed crazy to go ahead with the Bible Club.
But, the Lord knows best and children heard the Gospel who may have otherwise missed out. I thank the Lord for His grace in helpign us this week.